Registration closes Monday, March 21st at 5PM CST.
- General Attendance: We ask that everyone fill out the general registration form. If you plan on presenting a poster and/or oral presentation, you will also fill out an additional registration survey as well.
- Poster Presentations: Poster presentations from all disciplines of medicinal chemistry are welcome. Before beginning the poster registration survey please fill out the MIKIW 2022 Poster Template. You may download and complete the template through this link via file > download. You will be required to upload your completed poster template to submit the survey. Please follow all instructions outlined in the poster template. Please remember to also fill out the general registration form.
- Oral Presentations: The conference will include 15 total oral presentations from graduate students, with three from each participating MIKIW institution. Reminder, please do not register for an oral presentation unless informed to do so by your department. Student speakers, before beginning the oral presentation survey please fill out the MIKIW 2022 Oral Presentation Template. You may download and complete the template through this link via file > download. You will be required to upload your completed oral template to submit the survey. Please follow all instructions outlined in the template. Please remember to also fill out the general registration form.
Please send any questions regarding registration to